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Better Left Buried

Location: Ammoulliani, Greece
5th of November, 2023

Written by Overlord


The island of Ammoulliani has become encased in some kind of anomalous tropical storm following the discovery and awakening of SCP 01101010 by an archaeologist team headed by Theofilos Lagos. The Foundation had an agent embed in the team under the guise of a reporter, callsign "Centaur", who was able to communicate prior to the formation of the tropical storm that a large portion of the AAF garrison has gone berserk, attacking each other and anything else they encounter. Much of the island's dead had been revived by SCP 01101010 and Lagos himself has been turned into SCP 01101010-1, with Centaur and the surviving AAF moving to the town of -- to protect the civilian population alongside the local police. 

Surface travel to the island is impossible, so Tau-44 and Omicron-8 are being delivered to the island via the Columbus, a SSN-grade submarine, under the storm to reinforce the town of Ammoulliani Actual and prevent the population from being weaponised further. Once the town has been secured Omicron-8 will entrench the town while Tau-44 meets with Centaur to discuss how to deal with SCP 01101010.

The Columbus has authority to nuke the island if necessary, however given the anomalous nature of the threat it's likely the nuke would just piss the thing off. Find a way to weaken 01101010 before trying to confront it. Centaur was able to send through an information packet covering the different SCP subvariants encountered prior to the storm's formation. Check his notes and pack your weapons accordingly.

SCP 01101010

SCP 01101010 appears to be "native" to the island of Ammoulliani, with no other instance of the SCP being previously encountered by the Foundation. It's appearance is that of a short sword, with a golden handle and some kind of blue crystal infused blade. The blade itself is devastating, with footage provided by Foundation agent "Centaur" showing SCP 01101010-1 wielding the sword to cut through vehicles and infantry alike. SCP 01101010 has also displayed the ability to raise the dead and turn living beings into various mutated or "spiritually corrupted", of which will be listed below.

  1. SCP 01101010-1: Former Dig Director Theofilos Lagos was visiting the archaeological dig site on Drenia when SCP 01101010  was uncovered amongst other weapons in a buried armory. When Lagos picked the weapon up he was immediately possessed by the blade, thus becoming SCP 01101010-1. His possession turned his fellow collages at the dig site into SCP 01101010-2s and caused around 60% of the AAF garrison on Ammoulliani to go mad and begin attacking each other. Lagos is able to raise the dead up as SCP 01101010-2s and use the blade to devastating effect on vehicles. Any individual directly killed by SCP 01101010-1 is turned into SCP 01101010-6s. Any attempt to kill Lagos must be done while he is alone to prevent him from regenerating off of the other SCP entities. Maintain distance and Do Not attempt to engage in melee.
  2. s
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Once SCP 01101010-1 has been killed SCP 01101010 is to be left on the corpse until specialised MTF teams can be brought onsite to safely contain and transport the entity to a nearby safe house, before being transferred to Site-172 for containment.

Friendly Human Forces

Hostile Human Forces