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Operation Inferred Part 2, Walk through the Jungle


Location: Khe Sanh, Quảng Trị Province 
22nd of November, 1967

Written by Lawrence "Devil" Sjurn


Despite some difficulties and the loss of Oddball Armiger managed to find a location to establish a long term camp in the South West of the Quang Trii Province. With camp established and Oddball reformed from the company's reserves, its time to start lurking in the jungle and becoming the VC's worst nightmare. 

Command has informed me that the primary objective for this week's patrol is the investigation of the suspected VC camp that Guppy stumbled upon during their hunt for a camp location, just south of La Lay in a cave. Scout out the camp, determine if its something you guys can deal with on your own or if artillery support is needed and strip the camp for any intel or possible prisoners. Your local Vietnamese "recruit" will hopefully be with you for this mission to assist with translation and helping to bridge the current language gap. 

I would also advise trying to be more restrained on the local population, word from some of our "local" sources indicates rumors of "deranged" US soldiers slaughtering any civvies they come across. Especially since that same source also suggested that relations between the local VC command and the Followers of the Palace Goddesses, the local major faith, has recently soured. It might be a good time to get on the local's good side.

Armiger is cleared to hit targets of opportunity as they move, but I would advise dealing with any encountered VC quickly and moving on with haste. Where there's one VC, there's likely one hundred more nearby.

Oh, and if you can find the survivors from Oddball that ran away from the friendly helicopters command wants to have a nice long talk to them.

Best of luck gents.
