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Operation Inferred

This Chapter contains any archived briefings or lore documents related to the 232nd 'Armiger" Mixed Commando Company's activities during their deployment in Vietnam.

Operation Inferred Part 1, Welcome to Khe Sanh

Location: Khe Sanh, Quảng Trị Province Vietnam15th of November, 1967 Written by Terrence...

Operation Inferred Part 2, Walk through the Jungle

Location: Khe Sanh, Quảng Trị Province Vietnam22nd of November, 1967 Written by Lawrence "...

Operation Inferred Part 4, Of Supply and Empty Battlefields

Location: Khe Sanh, Quảng Trị Province Vietnam5th of December, 1967 Written by Lawrence "D...

Operation Inferred Part 5, Wings of Fire

Location: Khe Sanh, Quảng Trị Province Vietnam12th of December, 1967 Written by Lawrence "...

Operation Inferred Part 6, Phantoms in the Mist

Location: HanoiNorth Vietnam19th of December, 1967 Written By You "Rock" Thought Briefi...

Operation Inferred Part 7; Walk Softy, and Carry a Big Gun

Location: Khe Sanh, Quảng Trị Province South Vietnam26th of December, 1967 Written by Lawr...

Operation Inferred Part 8; A Light Shining in Darkness

Location: Khe Sanh, Quảng Trị Province South Vietnam2nd of January, 1968 Written by Lawren...

Operation Inferred Part 9; Unstoppable Force

Location: Mekong Delta, Song Bin TanhSouth Vietnam9th of January, 1968 Written by Lawrence...

Operation Inferred Part 3, Kicking a Hornets Nest

Location: Khe Sanh, Quảng Trị Province Vietnam29th of November, 1967 Written by Lawrence "...

Origins of the 232nd Mixed Commando Company, Callsign Armiger

Written by Colonel Clyde Russell Origin of the Mixed Commando Concept With more countries...

The Four Palaces

Written by Lawrence "Devil" Sjurn Following Armiger's interaction with the local faith, th...

Spirit Beasts and Spirit Demons, Armiger Reassignment

Written by Lawrence "Devil" Sjurn, Reviewed by You "Rock" Thought I think we can safely sa...

From Monks to Warriors, Followers of the Palace Goddesses mobilize

Written by You "Rock" Thought It would seem that the Followers of the Palace Goddesses (re...

Rock Reassignment, Armiger under new management

Written by Lawrence "Devil" Sjurn, Reviewed by Jacob "Manitou" Akecheta With Armiger's rec...

Note found amongst Winchester's equipment

Lawrence "Devil" Sjurn to Cpln. Babe Chap Sealy and SGGT. Winchester Subject: Potentially comp...

Demons on the radio waves, Temples lost to ages past

Written by Lawrence "Devil" Sjurn, Reviewed by Jacob "Manitou" Akecheta With the Hell Pit ...

Operation Inferred, Midpoint Summary

Compiled by Lawrence "Devil" Sjurn, Reviewed by Jacob "Manitou" Akecheta Preface Given ...