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Operation Inferred Part 5, Wings of Fire


Location: Khe Sanh, Quảng Trị Province 
12th of December, 1967

Written by Lawrence "Devil" Sjurn, Reviewed by You "Rock" Thought


While Macdonald has expressed annoyance at losing control of Armiger to the CIA he has still passed on intel from his local contacts regarding the two remaining temples that haven't been raided, located to the North East of Khe Sanh. They report a small build-up of VC and suspected NVA in the area, otherwise it has been relatively quiet. Rock believes otherwise.

Armiger has two primary objectives this week, the recovery of the ashes from the temple near Napang and the temple near Nam Hung. Rock's contacts report that the Napang temple is smaller than the one formerly located at La Lay, consisting only of a single shrine tower. The temple at Nam Hung is/was the main settlement of the Followers of the Palace Goddess in South Vietnam, with radio signals coming from the town matching that of the NVA. Its possible that the ashes at Nam Hung might already be gone, although I wouldn't put it past the Followers to have hidden it given the falling out between themselves and the NVA.

You will not be walking to the objective area this week, instead being picked up by helicopter from somewhere relatively close (but not too close) to the camp. From there you will be delivered to an LZ of your choosing, however I'd recommend not landing directly on top of the temples given the likely NVA presence.

Macdonald has provided the entire support arsenal of Khe Sanh for this mission, from artillery to jet aircraft (including a flight of B-52s if shit really hits the fan). You are not to target any of the temples unless you are absolutely certain the ashes aren't there. Otherwise you are free to target anything that even remotely looks VC.

Five other members of Armiger will be landed alongside you to the objective area to replace any combat loses sustained.
Bomb the VC to hell and back gents.

A small addendum from Rock has been scribbled onto the report; Intel from my contacts indicate signs of a Hell Pit somewhere in your objective area, tread carefully. Try dropping a bomb on it, see if that seals it up. Otherwise these relics might be our only shot at dealing with them.


Post Operation Notes

- Ashes recovered from a suspected Follower of the Palace Goddess in proximity to the Temple of Mau Thoai

- Ashes were not recovered from the Temple of Mau Dia, with an NVA helicopter that left the area suspected of extracting them back to Hanoi

- Suspected Hell Pit was not found

- CIA have begun to track the helicopter and any information pertaining to it to hopefully provide a location for Armiger to raid.