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Operation Inferred Part 3, Kicking a Hornets Nest


Location: Khe Sanh, Quảng Trị Province 
29th of November, 1967

Written by Lawrence "Devil" Sjurn


Thanks to our local informants Command has significant reason to believe a major VC operation will be taking place within the next 72 hours in Armiger's sector. We don't know what their objectives are but that NVA Long Range that Tung stole has been squawking non-stop about some kind of special NVA "Cultural Advisor" that's arrived in the region. It also suggest that a major hostile presence has once again taken refugeed at the VC camp Oddball cleared during your first patrol. As such Armiger will have two primary objectives for this week:

  • Investigate the other Palace Temple in Armiger's sector for VC activity and attempt to sector any major artifacts present, especially any ashes that might be present.
  • Wipe out the suspected VC artillery position of any hostile presence, with any equipment or vehicles to be destroyed

Much of the local Faith have gone to ground after the events of last week, however one of their members approached Khe Sanh with a request for aid. What was said in that conversation wasn't conveyed to me but I'd recommend keeping your eyes open for any religious lookin foke out in the jungle. If the VC are bold enough to be this visible they likely have AA positions set up in the region, with the possibility of a SAM radar site. Be mindful of any air support you may call in.

Best of luck gents
