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Item #: SCP-9002SCP90021.png

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: There is no known way to contain SCP-9002 and its related objects at this current time. Mobile Task Force Eta-10 has been tasked with investigating the anomaly further and preventing any entrance to the site of the anomaly.

Description: SCP-9002 is an antimemetic cognitohazardous reality-bending anomaly located in the town of █████, █████████, Russia. SCP-9002 encompasses an area of roughly 800m2, but can seemingly affect anyone within an estimated 4km2 radius. Its effects worsen the closer an individual gets to the epicenter, there appears to be no limit to how many individuals SCP-9002 can affect at any given time. SCP-9002's effects typically include hallucinations (auditory and visual), amnesia, teleportation, and manifestation of various entities and objects.

Individuals within the radius of SCP-9002 report feelings of confusion, fear and anxiety. MTF Operatives sent in to investigate the anomaly report hearing voices coming from the trees or thin air and even through their radios. The voices appear to be accompanied by hallucinations of a "burned man", reportedly appearing behind them or in their peripheral vision. The "burned man" is described as being naked, of no discernable race or origin and being at least 90-100% covered in 3rd or 4th degree burns. This individual is hereby referred to as SCP-9002-1.

SCP-9002's epicenter is located in the town of █████, █████████, Russia. Why █████ is the epicenter is unknown and what exactly caused SCP-9002 to take place is also undetermined. █████ originally housed a population of 35 people, all of whom are missing; presumed dead. The current theory regarding SCP-9002's manifestation is that it was likely caused by an individual within the town conducting some form of occult ritual (refer to Addendum 9002-D), this is however unconfirmed.

Two manned expeditions into SCP-9002 have been conducted thus far, by a team of operatives from Mobile task Force Tau-44. Several images, audio recordings and video recordings have been obtained from these expeditions however upon reviewing any of these materials, details that are often described by the individuals within the recordings are not accurate to what is shown. It is as of yet undetermined if this is due to hallucinations experienced by the operatives or whether SCP-9002 is directly effecting the recordings. 
Addendum 9002-A1, Expedition One - Field Report:

Expedition One - Field Report

Attached is a field report written by the teamleader of Hoplite 1-1 MTF Tau-44, directly after the first expedition. Upon review of the operatives helmet camera footage a number of details within the report appear to be innaccurate, in some cases appearing to have simply never occured. Refer to Addendum 9002-A2 for an analysis of the report by Anaylist ██████████.




1.1 Was tasked with investigating a small town somewhere in rural Russia. Up on approaching A.O. 1.1 collided with a local police car, 1.1 was ordered to dismount and eliminate all persons in the vehicle, one person was eliminated and the body was bagged and hidden off the road, a singular vehicle was immobilised and was left behind.

1.1 continued to AO and dismounted approximately 350 meters from check point referenced in the Op briefing. 1.1 was ordered to flank left of the checkpoint and sighted contact in a fortified camp approx 200 meters from checkpoint containing 4 to 8 Russian OREL, 1.1 was ordered to engage the camp. During the firefight or just after 1.1 was engaged by an OREL patrol from the rear. After the firefight 1.1 Actual was discovered to be KIA.

1.1 Actual replacement and one operative were deployed and regrouped at captured camp. 1.1 was then ordered to push up the hill and engage the cheekpoint. No casualties were taken. Operative █████ was ordered to move back down the hill to our dismount location to retrieve our SUV however shortly after an OREL patrol engaged the remainder of 1.1 and they were promptly eliminated. Shortly after the firefight, Operative █████ reported that he was knocked unconscious and that our vehicle was missing. Operative █████ was ordered to regroup, then reported contact a few moments later. The remaining 1.1 at the checkpoint were ordered to move to Operative █████’s position.

Operative █████ regrouped safely with 1.1, around this time disembodied groaning was observed. 1.1 was ordered to form diamonds around Operative █████, operating a specialised thermal optic. 1.1 moved north by north west to a hill overseeing the objective town, here Operative █████ observed contact and confirmed it to be an anomalous entity of some kind. No immediate aggressive behaviour was taken towards 1.1. 


Hoplite 1.1 continued into the small town via the main road and observed the vehicles of local police forces that were sent in prior to foundation deployment. Operative █████ at this point sighted three more floating entities above a tree, Approx 10 meters off the ground (REF IMAGE 1) and another contact in the roof of a shed. 1.1 was ordered to engage contacts however, rounds had zero effect on target and was met with what was perceived as sobbing or groaning. 


Red team was ordered to clear buildings whilst blue pulled security. Red team observed furniture on the roof along with writing on the walls and was ordered to divert to the next building, blue team entered the building and Operative Logan observed two entities via thermal optics laying and sitting on the furniture (REF IMAGE 2)

1.1 later encountered contact in the shed in the form of bloodied persons in woodland CRBN uniforms utilising police batons, contacts were eliminated. Whilst regrouping 1.1 encountered another CRBN uniformed person and attempted to eliminate them however rounds on this particular person had zero effect on target. 1.1 actual observed no hostile intent and permitted Operative ██████ to make contact. With zero response the persons was restrained by Operative ██████ (REF IMAGE 3)


1.1 at this time MTF command advised 1.1 of technical failure with foundation equipment and as such 1.1 Actual ordered 1.1 secure asset and exit the AO. Upon attempting to leave 1.1 observed mist that was harmful to persons attempting to move through it (REF IMAGE 3)


1.1 Actual concluded that exfil would not be an option unless the source was secured or eliminated. 1.1 was ordered to pull back to town with CRBN persons and secured him in a commandeered police car. 1.1 later observed a mass of CRBN persons swarming around a single point and 1.1 briefly observed a man at the center of said swarm, they were deemed non hostile and 1.1 continued with tasking however at this time Operatives █████ and ███████ were affected by unknown force and were killed immediately, their bodies were not recoverable. 

1.1 moved further into the town, Operator Logan observed an entity on thermals just above the door to town house (REF IMAGE 4). 1.1 was ordered to breach and search the building upon which 1.1 actual observed x1 mutilated corpse impaled on a spike on the 2nd floor of townhouse. 1.1 secured object of interest on townhouse desk.

1.1 was ordered to exfil via comendered police car, 1.1 was able to get around the mist and managed to return to the staging area. 

Image 1



Image 2



Image 3


Image 4

Addendum 9002-A2, Expedition One - Field Report Analysis:

Expedition One - Field Report Analysis


Attached is an analysis of Addendum 9002-A2 written by Anaylist ██████████. The analysis concludes that all members of Mobile Task Force Tau-44 who were involved with the initial expedition should be immediately given Class A General Retrograde amnestics. This recommendation has since been executed, all members of Hoplite 1-1 have been given Class A amnestics and returned to full service.


Analysis Report
      Subject: Hoplite 1-1, Expedition One Field Report
      Analyst: Michael ██████████