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Item #: SCP-90019001.png

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-9001 is to be stored in a bookshelf that is 900mm wide x 300mm deep x 1800mm high, the bookshelf is to be located in a standard 6m x 5m room. Only personnel of security clearance 2 or higher are to have direct contact with it unless testing is actively underway.

Description: SCP-9001 is a series of history related audio book cassettes that do not outwardly appear to have any anomalous properties, the cassettes primarily cover the topic of lesser known battles throughout human history. The audio series was given to the foundation by an unknown individual who refused to state what the items were capable of; the foundation was unable to track the man down after 9001 was handed in. A variety of tests were conducted on SCP-9001 when it was first given to the foundation and initially nothing of anomalous nature was uncovered. Following this the cassettes were placed in Site-███'s public library. Soon after this however, Security Officer █████ █████████ listening to SCP-9001-1 "The Continuation War" disapeared, resulting in a search for the missing officer. Three days later the officer rematerialised in the library where the cassette player had been left. He had discovered that upon playing the cassettes backwards he was transported into the event the audio book covered. Only once the event reached its climax was he brought back to where he initially disapeared. Security Officer █████ █████████ was given Class B amnestics and returned to normal duties.

SCP-9001 was reclassified as Safe and placed in containment. Initial testing determined that if any of SCP-9001's cassettes were played at -3.5x speed with any non-anomalous cassette player, anyone within 5 meters would disappear and be transported into the historical event of which the tape is covering, the cassette would then begin playing at normal speed on its own. Only once the event had been completed would the individuals transported return to the containment room. Upon further testing, it was noted that the arrival and actions of the test subjects within the cassette were read by the narrator as though they were part of the event.

Initial tests were conducted using researchers who were part of the project, however following the death of Doctor Steven ███████ in SCP-9001-7 "The Punic Wars"; it was decided that exclusively D Class personnel would be used in its testing.