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Spirit Beasts and Spirit Demons, Armiger Reassignment


Written by Lawrence "Devil" Sjurn, Reviewed by You "Rock" Thought

I think we can safely say that the creatures Armiger were running into are definitely not mutated Gorillas, given that the "Demons" were encountered emerging from a smoking hole in the ground. It would seem that the NVA are responsible for awakening these creatures, although they did so by mistake according to the VC note that was recovered in the ruined town of Lang Hoan Tap. 

The CIA has since taken overall command of Armiger's future deployments from Terrence "Staffy" MacDonald, and has placed us under liaison with callsign "Rock" for the foreseeable future. Oddball and Guppy's primary mission is no longer counter-insurgency against VC/NVA activity, although any attempt to do so should still be taken. Instead all effort will be focused into finding out why these "Spirit" creatures have begun appearing and if possible prevent another Hell Pit from forming.

The VC note also suggests the ashes recovered from the two Goddess temples can be used to seal the pits, although how is unknown. It is likely that the CIA will be tasking Armiger with the recovery of all the ashes so a solution to the Demons may be found.

Spirit Beasts

Untitled_video_-_Made_with_Clipchamp_2.gifFootage taken by Krieg, provided on cassette with this report 
A seemingly "neutral" entity, Spirit Beasts seem to only attack those that either aggravate them or trespass onto land they are guarding. They appear incapable of human speech, however Oddball reports that one of the Beasts they encountered spoke in an unknown tongue before teleporting them back to camp. They do seem understand human speech however, at least enough to interpret diplomatic tone or aggressive behavior. They also seem to have taken a liking to several members of Armiger, as during last operation they were encountered shadowing the company from a distance and observing their behavior.

They appear highly aggressive towards the Spirit Demons, ignoring anything else to engage and destroy them. I would recommend taking a defensive stance if encountered, only engaging if they become aggressive towards you.  

Spirit Demons

image.pngThe recording taken by Krieg is heavily corrupted during this time, with this image being the only frame salvageable

Spirit Demons are extremely aggressive creatures that seem to attack any form of life present near the Hell Pit they emerge from. Resilient to small arms but vulnerable to auto-cannons and HMGs, they move at considerable speed, are capable of jumping small distances and can lift boulders to throw at potential targets. Demons are hesitant to venture out beyond the proximity of the Pit, whether due to a protective instinct or another factor is unknown.

They appear highly aggressive towards Spirit Beasts, targeting the Beasts if there are no living things between them and the Beasts. Recommended approach is complete avoidance until a way is found to "seal" the Hell Pit, with any pits found to be documented and left alone. Demons seem to be especially hostile towards Krieg, although there appears to be no logical reason for this directed hate.